Accessibility Standard for Customer Service
Myers LLP is dedicated to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.
Our policies, practices, and measures reflect our commitment to treating people with disabilities in ways that allow them to maintain their dignity and independence. We will do this by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers and by meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).
If a barrier to accessing our services cannot be removed, we seek to provide alternative ways for an individual to access our services.
This policy applies to all firm members in our interactions with clients. All firm members include partners,
associates and students of Myers LLP and all staff of Dunhill Management Group Ltd.
To determine the barrier, we ask the client what method of communication works. We communicate with people disabled by barriers in ways that consider the nature of the barrier.
In practice, this means that:
» Have patience and find a quieter space if required.
» Offer a chair to an individual or sit down to engage with someone using a wheelchair.
» Have easy-to-read fonts and plain language documents.
» Have paper and pen available if required.
The website will offer a copy of this policy, firm-specific accessibility information, advise that documents are available in alternate formats if required, and will specify how a person can request an alternative format.
We accommodate the use of personal assistive devices when an individual is accessing our services or facilities.
In practice this means:
> Automatic doors > Audio recording devices > Telephone to transcription services
In addition, specific firm members are trained to use the defibrillator located onsite.
We welcome clients accompanied by support persons.
In practice, this means that:
We are committed to meeting the requirements of Manitoba’s Human Rights Code and welcome clients accompanied by service animals.
In practice this means:
» Treat a service animal as a working animal
» Do not distract a service animal from its job by petting, feeding, or playing with it, unless given permission by the person with the service animal to do so.
» Know how to identify a service animal by its harness or vest and by the assistance it is providing.
We are committed to ensuring barrier-free access to our services and facilities, by maintaining our accessibility features so they can be used as intended by:
We ensure our emergency response safety processes are designed to consider the needs of clients and firm members who require assistance during an emergency to ensure all persons stay safe.
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of services or facilities affecting clients disabled by barriers, we will promptly post notices and, when possible, announce the disruption. A clearly posted notice or announcement will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of other ways to access our services or facilities, if available. If requested, we work with the client to find other ways to provide services. • We let the public know about disruptions in the following ways:
All staff receive training on accessible client service and new employees are trained within 30 days of their start date.
We welcome and respond promptly to the feedback we receive on how we provide accessible client service. Client feedback will assist us in identifying barriers and responding to concerns.
Effective Date: January 30, 2024
Revision Number: 1