Myers LLP is dedicated to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.
Myers LLP is dedicated to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. Our policies, practices, and measures reflect our commitment to treating people with disabilities in ways that allow them to maintain their dignity and independence. We will do this by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers and by meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).
If a barrier to accessing our services cannot be removed, we seek to provide alternative ways for an individual to access our services.
This policy applies to all firm members in our interactions with clients. All firm members include partners, associates and students of Myers LLP and all staff of Dunhill Management Group Ltd.
Policy Guidelines
The following policy statement and measures are intended to meet the requirements of the AMA. Any current or future policy or practice not respecting and promoting the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities, will be reviewed, modified, or removed.
Communication and information
To determine the barrier, we ask the client what method of communication works. We communicate with people disabled by barriers in ways that consider the nature of the barrier.
In practice, this means that:
- We will:
» Have patience and find a quieter space if required.
» Offer a chair to an individual or sit down to engage with someone using a wheelchair.
» Have easy-to-read fonts and plain language documents.
» Have paper and pen available if required. - We use signs and documents that are easy to read, using plain language with large font and colour contrast, while also ensuring messages are not printed on images.
- Our email signatures, fax templates and website will include notice that “All publications produced by Myers LLP are available in alternate formats upon request.”The website will offer a copy of this policy, firm-specific accessibility information, advise that documents are available in alternate formats if required, and will specify how a person can request an alternative format.
Assistive devices
We accommodate the use of personal assistive devices when an individual is accessing our services or facilities.
In practice this means:
- We do not touch or move individuals’ assistive devices without permission.
- In cases where the assistive device presents significant and unavoidable health or safety concerns, we will attempt to use other measures to ensure the person with a disability can access our services or facilities.
- Firm members are trained and familiar with the various assistive devices we provide to clients to ensure access to our services or facilities, such as:
➦ Automatic doors
➦ Audio recording devices
➦ Telephone to transcription servicesIn addition, specific firm members are trained to use the defibrillator located onsite.
Support persons
We welcome clients accompanied by support persons.
In practice, this means that:
- Training includes appropriate interaction of staff with clients accompanied by support persons. For example, staff will address the client, unless requested to do otherwise.
- We make space for support persons on-site and ensure clients always have access to their support person(s).
- We explain that solicitor-client privilege does not apply to a support person hearing advice. We answer questions on the implications of a support person being present during a meeting with a client to ensure the client can make an informed decision.
Service animals
We are committed to meeting the requirements of Manitoba’s Human Rights Code and welcome clients accompanied by service animals.
In practice this means:
- We:
» Treat a service animal as a working animal.
» Do not distract a service animal from its job by petting, feeding, or playing with it, unless given permission by the person with the service animal to do so.
» Know how to identify a service animal by its harness or vest and by the assistance it is providing. - When it is not easy to identify if an animal is a service animal, we may ask if the animal has been trained to help a person with a disability-related need, without inquiring about a client’s disability.
- We expect the person who is handling the service animal to maintain control of the animal physically or through voice, signal, or other means.
- Training ensures staff understand the right of persons accompanied by service animals.
Maintain Barrier-Free Access
We are committed to ensuring barrier-free access to our services and facilities, by maintaining our accessibility features so they can be used as intended by:
- Keeping hallways, ramps, entrances and reception areas, waiting and meeting spaces clear of clutter.
- We organize our space so that there is room for people using wheelchairs, electric scooters, and walkers.
- We use both audio and visual cues to inform customers it is their turn to be served.
- Alternative accessibility features include offering remote meetings including over Teams or other locations.
- Our accessibility features affected by this policy include hallways, aisles, entrance and reception areas, waiting rooms and meeting rooms, and automatic doors. We work with our property manager to provide accessible washrooms and elevators.
Emergency Response Safety
We ensure our emergency response safety processes are designed to consider the needs of clients and firm members who require assistance during an emergency to ensure all persons stay safe.
Notice of temporary disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of services or facilities affecting clients disabled by barriers, we will promptly post notices and, when possible, announce the disruption. A clearly posted notice or announcement will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of other ways to access our services or facilities, if available. If requested, we work with the client to find other ways to provide services.
- We let the public know about disruptions in the following ways:
➦ Posted on the Accessibility section of our website and social media accounts.
➦ Posted at our reception desk and/or in high-traffic areas.
➦ Through firm members in person, by email, or by phone when dealing with known clients that face barriers.
All staff receive training on accessible client service and new employees are trained within 30 days of their start date.
- We are trained on:
➦ How to interact and communicate with people who face barriers to accessing services, use assistive devices, are assisted by support persons and/or are assisted by a service animal.
➦ How to accommodate client requests for information to be provided in an alternative format.
➦ How to use any equipment or assistive devices that are available on-site.
➦ An overview of the purpose of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, the Customer Service Standard, The Human Rights Code (Manitoba), and the requirements of this policy.
➦ If there are any changes to our accessible client service policies or above legislation, we will inform and train staff on those changes.
Feedback Process
- We welcome and respond promptly to the feedback we receive on how we provide accessible client service. Client feedback will assist us in identifying barriers and responding to concerns.
We invite feedback in the following ways:
➦ Phone: 204.942.0501
➦ Email: or
➦ Online: - We will provide clients with accessible feedback formats and communication supports upon request.
- All feedback is directed to a designated management representative, currently Kara Macdonald. Receipt of the feedback will be acknowledged as soon as possible.
- If the feedback requires us to follow up, the client will be notified that the request is being reviewed, when to expect a response, and what action we will take to address their feedback, if any.
Where to find us
Suite 724-240 Graham Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0J7
204 942 0501
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed