Criminal Law
The criminal lawyers of Myers LLP have vast experience in all levels of trials and appeals including the Supreme Court of Canada. We provide a full range of advice and representation, whether at the outset of what is sometimes a lengthy investigation, or when the immediate response of a bail application is required. We defend those accused of serious assaults and homicide, drug offences, domestic and child abuse as well as tax evasion, money laundering and fraud. Our criminal law department is proud of its record in asserting clients’ legal rights and seeking the appropriate remedy where they have been infringed. Criminal law advocacy sometimes continues in other arenas.
Our criminal lawyers represent clients before professional discipline committees, licensing bodies and Child Abuse Registry proceedings. We have represented both individuals and institutions in public inquiries, inquests and, in cases where our clients have a substantial interest, as interveners.
When lawmakers propose new legislation in criminal law and evidence, they often consult our criminal lawyers in the law reform process. Our lawyers are well known in the field of continuing legal education and are sought after as guest speakers by law associations, teachers, police and other groups.
Because of our unique labour union clientele, our firm’s criminal lawyers provide advice in picketing situations and employment scenarios where workers may be under investigation.

Practice Areas

Our wide range of practice areas is tailored to meet your legal needs.